Looking for jobs on Jobs Atlas?
Jobs Atlas has much job to offer for people with different sets of skills. To search for a job, there is a search input textbox in which you would type in the skill, place where you want to work, the company you wish to work in, or your skill.
How do I make an account on Jobs Atlas?
Making an account is free and easy. You can put your resume on there, get notifications when new jobs are posted, and keep track of the jobs you’ve applied for.
How can I make my profile stand out to employers?
You need to make sure your profile has all the right words in it. Try to match it up with the jobs you want, and talk about what you’re good at and what you’ve done before.
Does Jobs Atlas have advice for careers?
Apart from job advertisements, Jobs Atlas would also help with referring to some resume writing tips, how to prepare oneself for the interview, and the career path.
Is it safe to find jobs through Jobs Atlas?
Jobs Atlas tries to make sure the jobs posted are real. However , it’s still a good idea to check out a company before you apply and be careful if a job seems too good to be true.
For Employers:
How do I put a job on Jobs Atlas?
Usually, you’ll need to make an account and follow some steps to add your job.
What’s good about putting jobs on Jobs Atlas?
You can find lots of good people to hire. If you use the right words and filters, you can find the perfect person for your job.
How much does it cost to put a job on Jobs Atlas?
Some places let you put jobs on for free, but some charge you money. Look on Jobs Atlas’ website to see how it works.
Are there tips for writing good job posts?
Jobs Atlas gives you some ideas or templates to help you write job posts that get people interested.